Saturday 2 November 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary #1 - Why I Love Doctor Who!

Seeing as it's November and it's the month where the 50th special is happening I seen it as a perfect opportunity to get back into blogging and to blog about something that I enjoy very much - Doctor Who. In this blog post I'm going to be talking about why I love Doctor Who.

I started my love for Doctor Who when I was around the age of 10-12 I believe, somewhere around that age anyway. I can't remember precisely what the first episode I watched was but I'm sure it was either 'The Christmas Invasion', 'New Earth' or the very first episode of it's rerun which was 'Rose'. It was between those three but I fell in love with the show. The TARDIS, the gorgeous music, the aliens, the monsters, everything was just so amazing to me at such a young age and I was just bewildered by it all. One of the many reasons I love Doctor Who is because it's a way of escapism for me, I feel I can watch an episode of Doctor Who and to be in another reality where Daleks and Cybermen do exist. Growing up and watching Doctor Who was the perfect way to make use of my imagination. With my sonic screwdriver and my hair spiked up thinking I'm David Tennant, I run around the house blasting the sonic screwdriver to members of my family thinking they are the aliens and monsters. Doctor Who made my childhood an enjoyable, magical experience for me and it's something that I love seeing children do, dress up and pretend to be The Doctor or a companion.

My favourite Doctor is the delightful Matt Smith. Matt is my favourite because of his range as an actor and I am amazed at how he captured the old angered man but with an essence of a schoolboy and it's amazing to see how quick he transitions it one another. With Matt's Doctor I feel that it's back to the traditional Doctor; the outfit, the TARDIS, etc. I just feel that we have a much more classic Doctor than previous Doctors in the rerun. Everyone has their own favourite Doctor and that's great to see and it's great to see people bonding over their favourite Doctor.

Something that I love about Doctor Who is Tumblr. I joined Tumblr to blog about Doctor Who and to have my own blog full of Doctor Who related images, animation, etc. Tumblr is a great community where people use their creative talents and create beautiful, outstanding graphics, GIFs, edits, the whole lot... it's truly magical and exciting. There are hundreds and thousands of Doctor Who related Tumblr accounts and I just love seeing their passion for the show and their passion for the actors and actresses and amazingly, the crew. Tumblr is also a great source to find out new information about the show where there are interviews, spoilers, new filming photographs and when there is new information expressed on Tumblr I just love to scroll through the dashboard and see people's reactions to the news and there's a great sense of loyalty and passion for the show. 

I love Doctor Who for multiple reasons, it's such a fantastic British TV show and I'm proud to say that I'm a Doctor Who fan. This is a short blog post to introduce my blog posts this month related to Doctor Who and to express some reasons why I love Doctor Who. There are going to be many more blog posts about Doctor Who and some of the ideas that I have are:

  • A review on my favourite episode
  • A blog post about the Doctor Who Experience
  • My favourite Doctor Who Merchandise
  • Style tips to achieve a Doctor Who related bedroom or another room around the house
  • A blog post about my favourite companion
  • A blog post about the history of the show
  • My Doctor Who Autograph Collection
  • A review of 'An Adventures In Time and Space' 
  • A review of 'The Day of The Doctor'
So, there are some ideas that I have, if you have any ideas please let me know in the comments!

There are thousands, maybe millions of Whovians all over the world and on the 23rd November we will unite and we will watch the 50th special - The Day of the Doctor. I'm going to be watching the special in the cinema in 3D but what are you planning for the 50th? Are you throwing a Whovian party? Are you going to the cinema? Are you going to watch it at the comfort of your own home? Let me know in the comments.

I hope you follow and enjoy this Doctor Who blog pots related month and enjoy the 50th special.

Thank you for reading.

Follow me on Twitter - @coreyterrett