Sunday 18 November 2012


I know most people reading this will all be saying to themselves, "Why is he writing a post about Christmas?! It's still November!"... yes, it still is November but I couldn't help but write a post about Christmas now. In this post I want to write what I like about Christmas, what I do, my favourite Christmas TV Shows, food, drink... everything. I also want to talk about family traditions, which to be honest, isn't a lot.

I get in the Christmas spirit usually around the middle of November. When all the shops bring in their Christmas stock, Sky Movies are showing those tacky, cheesy Christmas films, I'm A Celebrity is on... I just love Christmas. I have always been in a loving, family community where we love to celebrate Christmas as a family and whatever problems we have had over the past year, we just sort of forget about them over the Christmas period to just enjoy ourselves. Christmas is of course, my favourite time of the year.

I remember one time when I was about six or seven, I dreamt that I went downstairs on Christmas Day, opened my presents and then walked into another room and I seen 'Santa' on his sleigh in the sky... I have never forgotten that moment. Never and I hope not too. Was it even a dream? Yes, it probably was. But when you are younger, you don't appreciate the presents as such as you are to overexcited about the whole Christmas period and you just want school to finish so you can have new toys of Santa. But yet again, Christmas is supposed to be a time for young children, but for me, Christmas is and always will be, a time for family. When I'm older, I want to celebrate Christmas with my family, I want my children to experience the whole magical Christmas experience. I want them to cherish and remember those special moments.

One thing that I LOVE about Christmas, is sitting down in the house, with the cold weather outside, drinking a hot beverage, wearing one of your embarrassing Christmas jumpers your Nan bought you, the coal fire is on and you are just sitting there all nice and cosy watching Christmas TV. These are just a few TV shows that me and my family loves to watch during the Winter/Christmas period:

  • Doctor Who. I'm a really huge fan of Doctor Who, but there is just something special about watching a Doctor Who Christmas special. As my parents and most of my family don't like Doctor Who, (I have no idea why...) but they all sit down and watch the special. Perhaps, its just to keep me happy but I think they do actually enjoy it. I'm not saying all of the Christmas episodes are amazing, because their not, most of them are dire and a bit boring but I still look forward watching the episodes on Christmas Day.
  • Gavin & Stacey. I think I've lost count of how many times that I've watched this Christmas special. I'm a huge Gavin & Stacey fan but the Christmas special is my all time favourite episode of the show. In the Christmas special, it just symbolises family and relationships. Which mainly, is what the whole show is about but its just perfect in the Christmas episode. You can relate to each character which makes the show much more engaging.
  • The Royle Family. This show is my all time favourite comedy programmes since my dad introduced it to me. The Royle Family is just one of those shows that you can just laugh out loud and each character you can relate to (Just like Gavin & Stacey). The show did three series, but now they are doing just specials. Especially Christmas specials. The Christmas specials are always enjoyable and just a pleasure to watch.
  • Christmas Lights. Every year since the show was first broadcast, which was in 2004, me and my dad haven't stopped watching it every year. I just love it, the story, the acting, is just brilliant. I watch it every year and still love it. If you haven't seen it, you should watch it. Its usually on ITV 2/3. 
Christmas decorations.

We usually put our Christmas decorations up during the last week in November, it changes every year really. One thing that I don't like about the Christmas period is when people put their decorations up at a stupid month, for example, people where I live put their Christmas decorations/lights up in September! Which is just stupid and ruining the Christmas magic. Well, for me anyway. I really hate it when they put them really early, I prefer them to be up during the last week of November or the first week of December. 

Every year, I have constantly asked for a real Christmas tree. But have we had one? No. So we are stuck with a white artificial tree from Argos. At Christmas I do think that you should have a green, real Christmas tree because it won't be Christmas without it, but everyone in my family keeps telling me, "At least you have a Christmas tree!"... which they are right I suppose. I just love the colour of it, I love the colour white and when its fully up and has the baubles and the little blue lights on it, it looks really good and it looks it belongs there... if that makes sense. 

I love Christmas decorations, I love the creative side of Christmas. When I was younger I would be in my Nan's house on the floor making Christmas cards for all the family, drawing pictures of me with my presents, etc. At Christmas, my parents would often go to Cardiff to buy some Christmas shopping and they would come home with a 'Make your own Christmas Tree Decoration!', 'Make Your Own Christmas Cracker!', 'Make your own stocking!' box for me from the Early Learning Centre. I remember in one of the 'Make Your Own Christmas Tree Decoration!' was an angel, and I had to paint it and then put some string into it and then put it on the tree. Which, my mum and dad still put on the tree.

A must have at Christmas for me is a glass bottle of Coca-Cola. An absolute must have. I only have them at Christmas, and when you have one it just tastes so refreshing and is always one of my Christmas highlights. A cold glass bottle of Coca-Cola is always better than a plastic bottle/can. 

Christmas shopping.

I usually like Christmas shopping but when its food shopping, its a whole different story. I remember one time, me and my parents was in Tescos buying some Christmas food and chocolates, and the queue was massive. We was there for about an hour, no exaggeration, a whole bloody hour. As the time was starting to get longer, the queue wasn't moving, I started to feel very claustrophobic and I thought that I was going to collapse, I had that feeling in your throat that you are just about to be sick, I was struggling to breathe... so, my dad took me outside and sat me down. That was the worst shopping experience I have ever encountered.

I'm going to end this post before I start getting the decorations down from the attic, sing Christmas songs, watch all my Christmas films, etc. I hope you don't mind that I uploaded this post during November but I just felt that it was the post to write at the moment. 

Thank you for reading.

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