Sunday 25 November 2012

Doctor Who.

In this post, I want to talk about one of my favourite things, Doctor Who. I have grown up loving Doctor Who from an early age, which is about five to six years old. Doctor Who is the only show that I actually really feel dedicated to, the show has such a huge gigantic and devoted fan-base which makes the show much more enjoyable and being a fan yourself. In this post I want to give my views about Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate and Karen Gillan. This post won't include Classic Doctor Who episodes as I haven't got much knowledge about those episodes. So, let's get started.

I became a fan of the show after watching The Christmas Invasion. But... I do recall myself sitting down in my nan's flat watching 'The Empty Child' with Christopher Eccleston. As I'm not really sure, I'm going to go with after watching The Christmas Invasion. This was the time that everyone in the Doctor Who fandom, fell in love with David Tennant. Since The Christmas Invasion finished, I continued to love the show and fell more in love with David and Billie. Towards the end of series two, I watched series one which starred Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose. I then started having merchandise for Christmas and Birthdays, I was at the Doctor Who Exhibition in Cardiff (not the Doctor Who Experience), I stared becoming a fan of a show for the first time. Now, Doctor Who has been with me for about 10-11 years, is that sad? Of course not.

Christopher Eccleston

Back in 2005, Christopher Eccleston stepped into the shoes of the character, The Doctor. Christopher only did one series, but what a great series it was. Something that really makes me frustrated and a bit cheesed off is when people slate Christopher's acting and slating the series/show in general just because they are so madly in love with David. It's fine that you are in love with David and he's your Doctor but I don't see the point in slating on something that isn't David Tennant related.

After I watched all of series one, I thought it was brilliant. Christopher's acting is really brilliant and he is a quirky, witty, hilarious Doctor with heaps of baggage and hurt from The Time War. Series one is one of my favourites, I just loved the essence of the show, the monsters, the acting, the directing, the music, its just... brilliant. I just wish people would give Christopher a break, as it was a really great series and he played a magnificent Doctor. It was just a shame that he didn't do a Christmas special.

David Tennant

David is The Doctor that nearly everyone loves. David was a really brilliant Doctor but sometimes, just sometimes, I found him a bit tedious and a bit boring. At first, I really did enjoy David's Doctor but towards the end of his last episodes, I got a bit fed up of him and was desperate for a new Doctor. I'm not saying that David is a terrible actor, he's not, of course he's not but at times, he did get a bit boring for me. Out of Christopher, David and Matt, David is the best actor to act out the really intense, emotional scenes. Christopher and Matt are great at the emotional scenes but the emotional scenes is what David excels at and shows of his acting. 

David really did have great chemistry with his co-stars, especially Catherine Tate and Billie Piper. You could tell that he loved to work with them, not just there because of the money and for himself, you could really see how much he cared of the show and how he cherished his co-stars. But most of all, it has to be Billie. Their relationship is just so brilliant and you could see how sad he was to see her leave the show.

Matt Smith

Matt really did have big shoes to fill after the much loved David Tennant left the show, but Matt really is a brilliant Doctor. At first, I was a bit hesitant to like and watch Matt's episodes due to my thoughts about what he's going to be like, what the episodes are going to be like. Most viewers didn't warm to Matt simply because he's not David Tennant, well obviously he isn't David but to me, Matt is a much better Doctor. At first, when I seen the first promotional image of Matt as The Doctor, I was a bit intrigued to see what he has to offer to the part of The Doctor. I think I first loved Matt's Doctor was after The Eleventh Hour. This was a great episode, and it was the first episode of Matt, Karen and Arthur. 

Matt's Doctor is something new, something fun which we haven't seen with Chris and David. Matt brings this huge ball of energy and enthusiasm and you can tell that he loves his role, he loves everything about his job and he loves his co-stars and his dedicated fans. One thing that I really love about Matt is that you can see the wise, old man underneath the youth, joyful face and I, myself didn't really see that with David and Christopher. I am excited to see more episodes with Matt and I hope he doesn't end just yet. 

Billie Piper - Rose Tyler

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Rose, I did think that she outstayed her welcome and it did take quite a long time for her to actually leave. I was a huge fan of her in series one, I thought that she was a really great companion, ballsy, feisty and loved an adventure. But in series two, I did get a bit fed up of the whole 'The Doctor and Rose Love Story'. Doomsday was a really brilliant episode, but I just can't help but think that their relationship was just the focus on the series and not fighting kick ass monsters and aliens. At the end of Doomsday, I thought about the excitement of learning and finding out who's going to be the new companion. 

I much preferred Rose in series one and much preferred her with Christopher as I thought they looked great together and I was more enthusiastic in watching their episodes. When she came back in series four, I simply thought 'Oh, not you again!' but she was much better in these episodes, in my opinion. That might just have been because she wasn't drooling over The Doctor, it was just her and Donna, which was a great combination. Safe to say, Rose isn't one of my favourites. But I do love Billie. 

Freema Agyeman - Martha Jones

Martha is the companion that I'm 50/50 with. At times, I find Martha unbearable, which does sound quite mean but its true, I didn't like how she was always in a mood because The Doctor doesn't show her any affection and when he's talking about Rose. But, there is a positive, always a positive in things and the positive thing about Martha Jones is that she's a independent character and that is what I love about the character. I love how she can do stuff on her own and doesn't need The Doctor 24/7, she's strong willed, she's intelligent and she's feisty. 

At times, I do think, is it the writing letting the character down, and not the actual character/actress? I don't think that Freema is an awful actress, she isn't, but I have come to the conclusion that it is the writing letting the character down and it was a shame because she could of gone much further and I would of loved her to be more seen as a companion, not a character at times. If that makes any sense...

Catherine Tate - Donna Noble

Donna is one of my favourites. I am just in awe of her, the relationship that she has with The Doctor, the relationship that she has with Wilf, is all just a bit too brilliant. I have been a massive fan of Catherine for many years, and when I found out that she was going to be in 'The Runaway Bride', well, I got a bit excited. And when I heard the news that she was coming back as a full time companion, I was over the moon. I love the brother and sister relationship that Donna has with The Doctor, which is quite refreshing because she's not a companion who is trying so hard for him to love her, they're just annoying brother and sister. Which is brilliant. Also, the relationship with Wilf is just a joy to watch, especially in 'Partners of Crime', you can see that special relationship that they have and you can just see how proud he is of her. 

Donna is one of my favourite companions. She's brilliant, she's witty, she's hilarious... she is just a brilliant companion and a brilliant character for The Doctor to have around him. Something that I was really surprised about Catherine was how brilliant she is at the emotional scenes, especially her last episode (in series four), where The Doctor has to erase all of her memories of them together, which is the most tragic exit in my opinion. So yeah, Donna is one of my favourite companions and I hope one day we'll see her return... 

Karen Gillan - Amy Pond

Is it me, or is Amy the most adorable character ever?! I love Amy Pond, she is with Donna, one of my favourite companions. I love the journey that we have been on with Amy, we've seen her as a child, turned into a mature woman, got married, had a baby... it never stops for Amy Pond. In my opinion, Amy Pond is the most 'normal' and 'real' character to me, I feel that Amy was just a normal girl who got lost and who was just ecstatic of travelling though time and space. She is just one of those companions who is just a joy to watch, she's the character/companion where mostly everything happens to her, bless her but it gives Amy more depth. Without a doubt, Amy is the sexiest companion, (apart from Clara but her episodes haven't aired yet...) but she is just a beautiful woman. The relationship with The Doctor is also a very huge part of the character of Amy and I just adore their relationship. One scene that I really love about the two of them is in 'The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe' (I think that's what its called), but its at the end where she tells him that her and Rory always put a place out for him on Christmas Day which is just adorable. 

I also love Karen and Matt's relationship, I love how much banter her, Arthur and Matt has, its just great to watch and witness. And Amy's last episode is just that episode where you are on an emotional roller-coaster, don't forget to hold on tight...

I was going to write about Rory, Wilf and all the other great companions but I thought that might be a bit too much. 

I have a question for you, what is your favourite episode and why? Write down your favourite episodes down in the comments selection below. I want to see what people's favourite episodes are. My favourite episode has to be either 'Vincent and The Doctor' or 'Blink'. So, please tell me which episodes you love.

Let's just all get excited for the new Christmas Special, 'The Snowmen', the character of Clara to hop aboard the TARDIS and the second half of series seven!

Thank you for reading. 

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