Ah, Big Brother is back with a new house, a new bunch of housemates, a new subtitle: 'Secrets and Lies' and a gorgeous new host by the name of Emma Willis. On Thursday 13th June 2013 the new show was launched by the help of the lovely Emma Willis. When it was announced that Emma was going to be replacing ex main show presenter Brian Dowling, I was over the moon because I know she's going to kick some BB ass. She was of course, the presenter on the spin-off show of the main show, 'Big Brother's Bit On The Side' which is now being held by Rylan Clark and AJ Odudu and Emma is also going to present the show every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Hurrah!). I've read online and in magazines that this was a massive dream for Emma as she is such a big Big Brother enthusiast herself, well it's safe to say we're in good hands with Willis and she's going to be bloody superb.
With the subtitle "Secrets and Lies" it's obviously not going to go plain sailing for the housemates this year. For the first little twist/task, Michael, a 'professional' actor is in the house which is being controlled by fans and has to do what the fans have selected on the poll online. For Michael's first mission, he had to decide whether to destroy the housemates suitcases and save his or save the housemates suitcases and destroy his...what did he decide to do? Of course, he saved his own suitcase which led to the other housemates' suitcases being 'shredded' in the garden. A few housemates have already sussed that there's something not quite right with Michael and I feel it's going to be out in the open very soon. On the second launch of the series with a new bunch of housemates entering the house, Michael had another mission, that was decided by us fans. Michael could either destroy the other housemates' suitcases and have an ice cold beer and pizza or he could save their suitcases and not have the beverage and the gorgeous looking pizza. In the end, he decided to save their suitcases because he's had enough of everyone moaning. But that isn't all, the housemates were watching every second with Michael not knowing, sneaky Big Brother told Michael that he can relax and the housemates are not watching. A few minutes later, Big Brother dropped ANOTHER twist, the housemates watched Michael as Big Brother delivered that he (the fans) would decide who's going to be up for nomination. Gasps from the housemates all round. So, we decide who's up for nomination. I can see Dexter, Gina and possibly Jemima or Sallie up for nomination and I think Dexter may be the first person to go.
My favourite housemate so far has to be the lovely Wolfy. She's got classic BB housemate written all over her hasn't she? I think she's going to be a cracking housemate and she may be the winner or have a strong chance of being in the final. I just hope that she doesn't sink into the background too much and is a strong character in the house.
Let's hope to a fantastic series this year with a fantastic bunch of housemates and I hope BB hasn't stopped with all of the secrets and lies just yet.
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