In 2010 Matt Smith was announced as the eleventh Doctor replacing a fan favourite, David Tennant. At first, I was sadden by the news of David leaving as he brought something completely new to the role of The Doctor, but with Matt's arrival, he brought another whole level and a whole new take on the famous role. And with being sadden by David's departure, now, Matt is now my favourite Doctor. I can also imagine and know that he is also a firm favourite of other fan's of the show. Matt's an incredible, versatile actor and I'm positive, absolutely POSITIVE that he's going to go far and far.
Down below is Matt's thank you message to the fans and to the cast/crew:
Damien Molony:
Damien, the Being Human actor is my main choice to play The Doctor. After him playing Hal Damien has shown his versatile range as an actor. He can play the scary, desperate, frantic, quirky, the comical, emotional. With the character of vampire Hal, Damien has really shown how capable of an actor he really is and I'm more than sure that he would bring such an essence of The Doctor.
Here are some other people who I would love to play the classic role of The Doctor.
Being said, I'm not a massive fan of Tom and his work. I've only seen him in The Avengers and I feel that his performance was very stale, very pantomime style of performing. However, after a couple of re-watches, I've seen something 'Doctor' in Tom, I feel that he has the look of a Doctor. I'm sure with his experience, he'll also be capable of portraying the character of The Doctor.
The ex Hollyoaks Irish actor is a very talented actor and he's a very great actor in the emotive sense too. I think that a Hollyoaks actor wouldn't be the typical candidate for the role as being part of a soap opera. But, I feel that Emmett's talent is much more wider than that. His performance in Hollyoaks playing bad boy Brendan Brady has been taken by fans and has won several awards in such a heartbreaking story. I feel that Emmett has that aura and essence of The Doctor and I feel that if they were to take The Doctor down a much more darker route than the fun and quirky personality, I feel that Emmett would be a perfect choice.
Steve John Shepard
There are many other actors that could fill the bill to play The Doctor, but these are my four candidates to play the role. Out of all of them, I would choose Damien Molony just because I feel that he can bring so much more to the role and to the show.
There's also been a lot of talk about there being a female Doctor. For many years when the Doctor is about to regenerate and everyone quizzes about who's going to play the new Doctor, the thought of a female Doctor has always propped up quite often. Names from Miranda Hart, Olivia Colman, Sheridan Smith have all been linked to the prospect of there actually being a female Doctor. I, personally and others may agree with me, that I feel that there shouldn't be a female Doctor. I just feel that the role being played with a female wouldn't be...right. It wouldn't feel like Doctor Who anymore. A friend of mine also said that she would turn of the show if there would be a female Doctor. I don't think it's being sexist at all when people say they don't want to see a female Doctor it's just saying their opinion...but, is it because we are used to seeing a male actor playing the role that we are wary of the thought of there being a female Doctor?
So, that's my thoughts about Matt Smith leaving, who I would like to play The Doctor next and the thought about a female Doctor. What do you think about Matt leaving? What do you think about the prospect of a female Doctor? Who do you want to play the Doctor next?
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