Saturday 5 January 2013

Book Review: Miranda Hart - Is It Just Me?

As I write this blog post I have just completed Miranda Hart's book, "Is It Just Me?" and I absolutely loved it! I received it as a Christmas present  from my Nan - I did give her a long list and I'm glad she bought me this book. I started to read it about two days after Christmas, and in all it took me just one week to read the book. As an avid reader I tend to read slowly and it takes weeks and weeks... sometimes I just give up on some books, but on this book it was the complete opposite, I couldn't put the book down! I'm sure we've all had that conversation with one self where we are tucked up in bed nice and cosy, the weather is miserable, you've got a hot beverage and chocolates along with a new book. You pick the book up and enjoy and relish a chapter, you then ask to yourself, "One more chapter? Oh go on, no harm will be done!" and then when that chapter is over, you'll ask the same question to yourself, as Miranda's book is entitled... Is it just me? I hope not. 

I really love the cover of the book, I love the bold sort of sketchy writing for Miranda's name and then a different font for the title of the book. Within the book there are little sketches to go along with what is being said within a paragraph, which is really great. I'm that type of person who doesn't like to read the book with the cover on, it feels uncomfortable and it does my head in when I've got to adjust the cover on the book. Totally annoying and unnecessary. Remove the smart and slick cover, and there's a blocked colour of pink and a little sketch of Miranda with a bird on her head... yes, I'm being serious. It's really a great cover and I think the little sketches make the book a little more unique.

This isn't a typical autobiography, I don't think this isn't an autobiography as Miranda calls the book a 'Miran-ual' - even more great. Each chapter Miranda talks about different topics, these are the topics that she mentions in her book/Miran-ual:

  1. Life, Eh?
  2. Music
  3. Hobbies
  4. Office Life
  5. Technology
  6. Beauty
  7. Bodies
  8. Exercise
  9. Diets
  10. Health
  11. Holidays
  12. Christmas
  13. Who's Top Dog?
  14. Mothers and Children
  15. Dating
  16. Weddings
  17. Culture
  18. Dreams

I really enjoyed each chapter and at times I did agree with Miranda about some topics that she discusses in the book. Also, the main feature in the book is Miranda talking to herself at eighteen. This was great to read for me and we had both perspectives of both Miranda's and Young Miranda has different ambitions to Miranda and it's kind of humorous when Miranda has to explain to Young Miranda that she doesn't become an art fanatic and it's even funnier when she tells the little Miranda that she's still single and still childless. I thought it was a good feature and it didn't feel that it wasn't supposed to be there, there was a good mix of Miranda 'talking' to Miranda and Miranda telling us, the reader, about the subject.

One main thing that I really loved about the book is that Miranda doesn't just write the words like some authors/celebrities writing an autobiography, she speaks directly to the audience, even calls us, the reader 'My Dear Reader Chum' - cute. It's also like we're watching an episode of the sitcom, Miranda. We can see that some of Miranda's past experiences do happen to be in her sitcom of some sort, and it is rather enjoyable. 

I'm a huge fan of Miranda Hart and I cherish her, I really, really do. After reading this book, especially the last chapter I have realised how much an inspiration Miranda is to me (however cheesy that sounds, but it's true), she is an inspiration to me as I imagine she is to many others. I just love her wit, her attitude towards life, she's just amazing. Amazeballs. She's taught me that I shouldn't stick in a room feeling sorry for myself, I should be out there, in the big wide world chasing my dreams and I should never give up on my dreams. Never. And thanks to Miranda, I'm not going to give up on my dreams, I'm going to persevere, so thank you Miranda (if you are reading this... HELLO), but seriously I have to thank her so much for making me realise what I need to do to make sure my dreams do come true, and if they don't... which I hope I don't, well at least I have the satisfaction that I did try my best - that's what all we can do in life isn't it? Trying our best, even when things get tough.

I highly recommend this book to any fan of Miranda's or anyone who is looking for advice on life, it really is a great book. You should go and buy yourself a copy and enjoy the great book, "Is It Just Me?". It's full of wit, honesty, and brilliance - any fan of Miranda would love this book. 

I give this book five stars. I think it was a great book, full of inspirational content and still has the wit and brilliance of Miranda Hart. 

Thank you for reading. 
You can follow me on Twitter - @coreyterrett

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm like you, I love this book!! I read it in less than a week (It usually takes me a lot longer) and I couldn't put it down! Miranda is my biggest idol, she's so funny and I was so happy when I found out she was writing a book!
    Amazing review :)
