Sunday 20 January 2013

Bullying is not OK.

Bullying affects quite a number of teenagers. It can be done emotionally, physically, cyber. There are people in this world who like to make people so small they are on the erg of suicide, which is heartbreaking to think about. Bullying is something that I really, really can't stand, it makes me so sick to witness another person harassing another person for little reasons. People bully people because they haven't got the newest and modern footwear, clothes, music taste, those small things that is no excuse to bully someone. There is no such things to bully someone for.

I believe that everyone deserves a chance to be themselves and to be their own person. Something that I also really dislike is people bullying someone into being somebody they are not, taking away their identity, controlling them. Everyone deserves to be their own person, have their own rights, be able to be who they are. Nobody should make people somebody they don't want to be, they should be their own person, with their own mind and not somebody controlling them and making them live a life that they despise when they could be living the life that they so desperately want to live. 

I don't believe there's enough awareness around, not really though is it? What's a poster going to do? Yes it might attract some people to the issue but does a piece of paper/card really symbolise bullying? No it doesn't it just usually says "STOP BULLYING!" with a picture of cartoon character, fictional character. Not a real person going through the actual experience of bullying. I know, not everybody will have the same story about bullying, everyone's story is different but it all interlinks with the topic of bullying. I wish there will be more people whom people who are suffering with bullying can talk to and feel comfortable talking about their situation. There should be more workshops in school, there should be more money spent on rehabilitation centers, there should much more people where people could talk to. 

Some cases can turn much more tragic, leading to self harm, eating disorders and much more worse, suicide. I can't imagine the pain and heartbreak a loved one of a victim feels when they see that they have commit suicide. It must be the most awful thing in the whole wide world, where someone could do this to a person. Where someone could lead a person to end their own life is simply astonishing and just damn right cruel. Self harm could be a way of comforting for some people, some people say that it eases the pain, with my own experiences of self harm, I did it because I didn't know what else to do. I didn't know how I could change my life around, I didn't know how it could get any better. I didn't do it for a long duration but whilst I was doing it, I knew it wasn't the right thing to do, the right thing to do was to tell someone, but I felt that I couldn't talk to anyone. I felt that nobody will take the issue serious, they would just laugh in my face. The only person that I felt I could talk to was; myself. It might sound stupid but I closed my eyes and I visualised another me, a much more energetic, enthusiastic, happy me. I talked to him questioning him of what am I going to do, how do I turn my life around, how do I make it all stop? I did that, and afterwards I wrote poems, short stories trying to think of ways to resolve the issue. I tend to solve my problems by writing them down, I feel that if I see something written down then I know that I have to do it, I know that I have to stop and turn my life around. Two years later, I am starting to enjoy life much more thoroughly and look more to the future. I'm a worrier. I tend to worry about the present, the past and most definitely the future. I learned to not look back on the past, look forward and that's exactly what I'm doing. 

If you are being bullied, or been bullied I hope you realise there is someone to talk to, there is someone who wants to listen to you and wants to help you. You don't have to do this alone, you need to tell someone before you loose any sense of hope, you need to stop beating yourself up and talk to someone before you do something you might regret. If you like, I'm always here to talk to. You can email me at -

I'm sorry that this might be a much more 'depressing' post but I just wanted to express my views about the subject and sort of raise much more awareness, just like I said, don't look on the past, look forward to the future. 

Thank you for reading. 


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