Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Review: Miranda, Series 3, Episode 4 - Je Regret Nothing

Episode four review of Miranda time! This episode is entitled, 'Je Regret Nothing'. In this episode, Miranda has been caring for her mother for the last five days, stuck in her flat with her needy mother Penny, she is forced to think about her life regrets. As the episode continues, Miranda falls ill and nobody has any sympathy for her.

So, an ill Penny is something that Miranda doesn't enjoy, times Penny can be very demanding, pushy, but an ill Penny makes it even worse. An ill Penny with a bell? A whole different story. We have Penny naming the remote controls 'dooberries', such fun! We have Doctor Gale back, and we have Tilly aspiring to be a life coach. I absolutely loved Miranda and Penny's relationship in this episode, at times it felt very much like the therapist episode. Miranda's frustration and Penny's orders is very entertaining to watch, the way that Miranda is 'planning' Penny's 'death' is also very funny yet incredibly slapstick. Something that made me laugh within the first couple of minutes is when Penny's phone starts to ring, Miranda is approaching her with a pan about to 'hit' Penny, Penny screams and Miranda falls to the floor. I couldn't stop laughing. The relationship and interaction between Miranda and Penny is one of my favourite parts about the show, and it is definitely my favourite part about the episode. Miranda and her moustache straw, eh? I say this a lot but, typical Miranda! Where can I get those straws? Anyone? No? OK. We then see Miranda using over gloves as footwear, sporting a fan and pretending to be a geisha, kindly pointed out by Penny. We then see Miranda doing some slight ballet moves, pretending to be Darcey Bussell, again, kindly pointed out by Penny. I just love this mother-daughter relationship, Miranda and Patricia play it perfectly and they have great chemistry! 

We then witness Miranda finding her first grey hair, and what does Miranda do? Colour it in with a marker pen of course. Miranda opens the front door to reveal a dartboard with Penny's face on it, Miranda throws darts at Penny's face, which I did find a little 'silly' but I couldn't resist but laugh. Penny then asks the question, "Where are my reading glasses?" which are clearly on her head. A frustrated Miranda tells her that they're on her head but does Penny listen? Of course not. Such fun! Miranda then mistakes her deodorant for hairspray...I'm not even going to say "Typical Miranda" anymore...oh wait, I just did. But, I suppose many people have done the same thing in the past. 

Can we just talk about the wonderful Tilly? She's my favourite, she has been since the show has started - she's brilliant, isn't she? She's gorgeous, she's hilarious and she makes up her own words. Even better word's  than Nicole Scherzinger. I like how she's always exaggerating, how she's got to make everything about her. I adore Sally Phillips (Tilly), I think she plays the role with ease and made the character her own. I love the use of her saying "Bare with" whenever she has something to say or is checking her text message. Which, I have started doing. In this episode, Tilly decides to become a life coach. Let's leave it there shall we? I think so...

Miranda then thinks she's got thrombosis, she then asks Doctor Gale to reassure her that everything is OK. This was one of my favourite moments of the lines, here's part of the script:

I'll give you half an hour.

Half an hour to live? I knew I was ill! Someone take me to Disneyland, there's no time. Have sex with me Doctor!

I just couldn't stop laughing at Miranda's line. Miranda then tries to open her Midsomer Murders DVD, like most people she finds it is a challenge to undo the wrapping...I hate that. Miranda seems to do this a lot in the series, the earphones, the duvet now this, it happens in real life. A lot. With Miranda being ill, none of her friends and mother doesn't feel any sympathy for her, Stevie is rude to her, slating her looks, her breath and her odor, Tilly calls her a drunk Princess Anne, Gary has some sympathy for her by giving Miranda a hug but ruining the moment when he tells her that he went to a ballroom class and met Jacinta, Penny says she's going to audition for Velma in a production of Chicago. 

Something that just makes Miranda and is one of my highlights of this series is Miranda pretending that she's performing in Wembly, thanking Michael Bublé for being her warm up and then performing with 'great friends' - The Spice Girls. Just brilliant...until Miranda is rumbled when everyone walks in on her singing/dancing/miming to "2 became 1". Then, everyone else (Tilly, Gary, Stevie and Penny) fall ill and Miranda is having her own music festival. 

I really enjoyed  this episode, at times it was a bit over the top, a bit cheesy but never the less, it was still rather enjoyable, there was some amusing moments, hilarious lines and these are some of my favourites:

"Do you want to come home with me? Please say no."

"Like a drunk Princess Anne."


"Someone take me to Disneyland?! There's no time...have sex with me Doctor!"

If you missed this episode, you can watch it here!

Thank you for reading.
Follow me on Twitter - @coreyterrett

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