Wednesday 2 January 2013

Review: Miranda - Series 3, Episode 2 - 'What a Surprise.'

A new Miranda episode to review - hurrah! Episode two of the hit sitcom, titled 'What a surprise' was simply a great LOL fest, I don't like that term, 'LOL Fest' but it was, every scene I was constantly laughing. It was a pure delight. That's what I love about watching Miranda, if you are feeling a bit down or you've had a long, exhausting day, you could switch Miranda on and you could simply forget about your problems and just enjoy it and it does make you feel better, well it did the trick for me.

In this episode, Penny is running for local councilor, with Tilly by her side, Gary has got a new girlfriend, jealous Miranda also starts to date, seeing as they both want someone to go with to Stevie's birthday party. Back in episode one where we seen the news reporter, he's back, and he's Miranda's new boyfriend. I knew straight away that they would be a great couple, and they are a great couple. In this episode we also see Miranda in many different outfits varying from a piece of popcorn, a fairy and a police woman. We see Miranda getting into 'bit of a state' in a clothes shop, Hollister I imagine. It was a great episode.

There have been some reviews that might not be very positive, stating that Miranda's sitcom is too 'slapstick', so what? Shouldn't we celebrate that? Seeing that half of the shows that people are watching these days for example: The Only Way Is Essex, Jersey Shore, etc, shouldn't we be watching and enjoying it? I believe we should. In the past, comedy was slapstick. Pure simple yet funny, slapstick. Also, having an episode of Miranda after Eastenders really does make me smile from the boredom and the drama that was situated in Albert Square. 

Whenever I watch Miranda I always think, "Oh, that's something I would do!", "Oh, I did that! And that! And that! And that..." and so on... I believe that Miranda is very much 'real' in a way, if you know what I mean. Miranda writes her sitcom from her own live experiences (most of the time, some stuff are made up for comical effect, I imagine), you can tell that she has used her own experiences in the sitcom by reading her book, 'Is It Just Me?' (which you will see a review coming up very soon, by the way). 

Some of my favourite lines in this episode were;

"Where do you dive?" "In the sea..."

"No-one wants to see their Father's Professor Plums."


"Spread your legs please, let's be having ya!"

"I'm the most beautiful goose." *hisses*

"Miranda and Michael. Oh, they'll call us Mirachael. Miracle."

"So what are we on?" "Well, we're all on chairs."

"We're shopping, not bopping."

There are many other great lines in the episode but they were some of my favourites. I really enjoyed this episode, as did mostly everyone on my homepage on Twitter did, as did some of my friends. I really loved Penny (Patrica Hodge) in the episode, I thought she was even more brilliant. Especially in the police scene. Another cracking episode. I really like the pairing of Miranda and Michael and it's good to see Gary being Gary... if that makes sense, and not Miranda's lapdog... you know what I mean. Tilly was an utter joy to watch once again. Plus, it was interesting seeing Miranda dressed up as a piece of popcorn. Here's to episode three... such fun! 

If you missed the episode when it was on air, then you can easily catch up on iPlayer. Episode 2 - What A Surprise - iPlayer. Here's the link where you can also catch up or re-watch Episode 1 - It Was Panning.

Thank you very much for reading. 
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Again, thank you for reading.


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